Fire Alarm Systems

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All fire systems installed by us are fully compliant with Irish and European Standards. We provide a large selection of fire alarm systems from all the leading makers of fire detection and control equipment. From the simple conventional device to advanced analogue addressable systems.

Lennon Group will be happy to talk you through the process, from planning through to installation, with all advice based on your individual and specific requirements.

Fire Panels are at the heart of any fire system

Every device links back to the panel and communicates with it. In addressable fire systems every single device can be interrogated and analyzed from the panel.
This is very useful when system tests and fault finding. Another advantaged of this type of system is that you can isolate specific devices rather than whole zones which will allow for phased evacuation procedures which are particularly useful in large buildings.
Also intelligent systems allow for phased evacuation procedures to be programmed into the system. Conventional systems are not as intelligent and can only see faults or fires in certain zones and not a specific area as with addressable systems.
Remote Terminals are also available which allow information to be distributed throughout a building. This is typically information from the main fire panel or specific information about the area the remote terminal is situated.


This is the point of contact with a fire. Detectors can either be used to detect smoke, heat or both. When there is a change in air particles (smoke) or heat in the local environment the detector will be triggered which then sends a signal to the panel indicating a fire. There are also Beam Detectors which detect smoke in large areas such as a warehouse and Flame Detectors which detect flames by analyzing the characteristics of flame movements.


Sounders and Beacons provide audio and visual indication that there is a fire.

Fire Alarm System Categories

There are many types of fire alarm systems each suited to different building types and applications. A fire alarm system can vary dramatically in both price and complexity, from a single panel with a detector and sounder in a small commercial property to an addressable fire alarm system in a multi-occupancy building. Systems have to protect both buildings and occupants. The categories of fire alarm systems are L if they are designed to protect life, P to protect buildings and M if they are manual systems.

Manual systems, e.g. hand bells, gongs, etc. These may be purely manual or manual electric, the latter may have call points and sounders. They rely on the occupants of the building discovering the fire and acting to warn others by operating the system. Such systems form the basic requirement for places of employment with no sleeping risk.
The system is installed throughout the building – the objective being to call the fire brigade as early as possible to ensure that any damage caused by fire is minimized. Small low risk areas can be accepted, such as toilets and cupboards less than 1m.
Detection should be provided in parts of the building where the risk of ignition in high and/or the contents are particularly valuable. Category 2 systems provide fire detection in specified parts of the building where there is either high risk or where business disruption must be minimized.
A category L1 system is designed for the protection of life and which has automatic detectors installed throughout all areas of the building (including roof spaces and voids) with the aim of providing the earliest possible warning. A category L1 system is likely to be appropriate for the majority of residential care premises. In practice, detectors should be placed in nearly all spaces and voids. With category 1 systems, the whole of a building is covered apart from minor exceptions.
A category L2 system designed for the protection of life and which has automatic detectors installed in escape routes, rooms adjoining escape routes and high hazard rooms. In a medium sized premises (sleeping no more than ten residents), a category L2 system is ideal. These fire alarm systems are identical to an L3 system but with additional detection in an area where there is a high chance of ignition, e.g., kitchen) or where the risk to people is particularly increased (e.g., sleeping risk).
This category is designed to give early warning to everyone. Detectors should be placed in all escape routes and all rooms that open onto escape routes. Category 3 systems provide more extensive cover than category 4. The objective is to warn the occupants of the building early enough to ensure that all are able to exit the building before escape routes become impassable.
Category 4 systems cover escape routes and circulation areas only. Therefore, detectors will be placed in escape routes, although this may not be suitable depending on the risk assessment or if the size and complexity of a building is increased. Detectors might be sited in other areas of the building, but the objective is to protect the escape route.
This is the “all other situations” category, e.g., computer rooms, which may be protected with an extinguishing system triggered by automatic detection. Category 5 systems are the “custom” category and relate to some special requirement that cannot be covered by any other category.